How you can volunteer
Your Ideas, 365 Days of the Year
Your project idea comes to life.
bd365 provides a platform to serve year-round on smaller, more personalized projects throughout Santa Clara County. It is also a vehicle that empowers you to identify your own projects and create a plan to help your community. Potential projects could be from your own personal relationships or in your own neighborhood. Once you submit a project idea and it is accepted, bd365 can potentially provide funding or equipment and tools.
Before submitting your project idea, consider the below checklist.
1. What is your project idea?
2. Do you have someone to lead the project?
3. Do you have sufficient volunteers to complete the project?
4. Have you considered what resources are needed to complete the project?

Making a lasting impact
Join us for our long-term legacy project this fall.
For the last four years, Beautiful Day has taken on projects in the city that require more than just a weekend’s work and whose impact has created a long-lasting legacy for the community.
This year we’re serving Santa Maria Urban Ministry. This organization, for the past 38 years, has provided groceries and clothing to the most vulnerable in our community. Ready to join us? Find out times you can sign up to serve.